Leadership Excellence
A client was in the midst of transformation across the organization with varying levels of progress. One of the challenges identified was the quality of leadership and its impact on achieving objectives. The client had recently introduced a new leadership model, however, there was no deliberate plan to help leaders move from where they were to the desired behaviors. BrightOrg Services identified this gap and proposed a work plan to invest in leadership growth in support of transformation.
The assessment work that framed this initiative came during the navigation phase of a separate project. There was a wide range of engagement with the change process and of the needed leadership capabilities to sustain selling effectiveness. We started with the top leaders of field sales – so that their growth would have an immediate impact on the larger team.
Individual leadership assessments were conducted to measure what we call “Leader Impact”. A combination of professional observation, peer feedback, team feedback, and personality profiling was used to create the data to shape the leader’s growth plan. Peers and managers were invited into the process to provide perspective on needed development.
The growth plan was fully customized to fit the leader’s profile and the company’s desired leadership behavior characteristics. 2-3 growth areas were chosen with the guidance of a BrightOrg coach and confirmed by the leader’s manager. The plan was designed with activities that could be measured, with check-in gates for progress reporting.
The result of this effort was drastically improved engagement by highly experienced leaders. Emphasis on the new leadership behaviors ensured everyone was focused on growing in the right areas. Most importantly, the key sales leaders of the client were reenergized for growth.